


At EMEXS we continually strive to improve and innovate, which is why we have taken our website to a whole new level. This is the most complex development project we have undertaken to date, which is why we are so proud to launch our new website.

In this article, we are going to explain in more detail what are the new features that we have incorporated into our website, and what each of them entails. Read on!


Hyper-personalization and use of artificial intelligence

Now every visit to our website is unique, we have added artificial intelligence to offer you content tailored to you! In this R&D project we wanted to explore the first steps towards hyper-personalization, as well as new navigation mechanisms and the active introduction of AI. The headers have been developed with Open AI, the images with Adobe Sensei, the content assistant with AI and the navigation by affinity. Our big goal has been to explore the limits of the technology, this being the most complex development project we have done to date, which leads us to think about how we will evolve in the coming years and the new opportunities that may arise.

Intuitive and interactive user experience

We have considered multiple navigation paths (the conventional one consisting of top menu and collapsed menu, the content by affinity through side scroll and the virtual assistant developed with AI), which makes the user experience much more simple, comfortable and surprising for visitors.

Development phases

How does a project like this come about? Although the stages are a bit more complicated, it is crucial to understand that both the marketing and communication teams have important roles to play in the creation of any project. From idea conception to implementation, each step is linked to the strategic vision of marketing and communication, thus contributing to the success of the project.

Discover our content

And of course, we don't forget to bring you valuable content about marketing and web development. You'll find tips, trends and success cases that will inspire you.

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