Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals

At EMEXS we are proud to have collaborated with the CCMA group, the Catalan Corporation of Audiovisual Media, which was looking to develop an analytical scheme aligned with its new strategic plan, which posed a unique challenge in understanding the required needs.
+ 1000 social media accounts
Thousands of data to be connected from various sources (digital, audiences and radio)
We started by analyzing the needs of each user group defined in the previous conceptualization phases (from management teams to editors, technical staff, etc.). Next, we analyzed the totality of data sources and their aggregation, which was a huge challenge due to the disaggregated structures. The end result is the conceptualization of a centralizing data schema that allows the monitoring of the main objectives of the different actors.
In summary, our work with CCMA has been a great example of the importance of understanding user needs to transform decision making in any organization.